Content for the whole world.

In March 2020 - right at the beginning of Italy’s Coronavirus outbreak - we decided to start a YouTube channel that would feature our non-commercial projects related to world news, thought experiments and interviews.

Since our first upload our content has been picked up by news outlets from all around the world including The Atlantic, CNN, ABC and many more garnering tens of million of views.

10 Days

At the beginning of March 2020 Italy was believed to be 10 days ahead of the US, England, France, Spain and Germany in the COVID19 progression. We asked people from all around Italy to record a message to the themselves of 10 days prior.

An interview with Yuval Noah Harari

Yuval Noah Harari, the writer of Sapiens, Homo Deus and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century shares how he thinks Coronavirus is changing the world. When are we going to go back to normal? What is going to happen when the epidemic ends? Is contact tracing something we should be worried about? We met with Yuval Noah Harari to talk about the important choices we're currently facing, discuss the possible future scenarios that might expect us once Coronavirus ends and ask him why we weren't as prepared as we should have been. Yuval Noah Harari is the best-selling author of Sapiens, Homo Deus and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century.

A Plan to Stop Climate Change: Carbon Pricing

Climate Change is the most urgent problem of our time. To sign the petition go to:

In an effort to slow down climate change and global warming, 5000 economists and 27 Nobel laureates have come up with a plan to reduce Co2 emissions in Europe. The plan is to give Co2 a price and make countries in the EU shift part of the fiscal burden that's currently set on citizen's labour to Co2 emissions. Marco Cappato, a former member of European Parliament and long time activist has organized a European Citizens' Initiative to land the proposal in front of the European Commission.

One Meter Away

On March 24, Olmo Parenti filmed inside Milan's Polyclinic, one of the main hospitals fighting the coronavirus pandemic in the country. Inside, every bed was filled. "Seeing people one step away from dying kills a little part of you," Parenti said, "even when you don’t know anything about them."

An interview with David Quammen

David Quammen is the author of Spillover, the book that in 2012 predicted the details of the next big pandemic, the Coronavirus. In this interview we discuss how he predicted the Coronavirus pandemic, what were some of the warning signs we had at our disposal and why human behavior is at the root of this epidemic.

A Concert for No One

In the midst of the Coronavirus epidemic we followed Chris, a homeless guy living in Milan (Italy) as he performed a "concert for no one" around the deserted city as everyone stayed at home to avoid spreading Coronavirus. Chris came to Italy from Nigeria three years ago and has been living in the streets of Milan for one year. With the only money he had he decided to purchase a guitar and learn how to play it; this has been his life mission ever since.